Important Info Regarding club Emails
We have experienced problems with some service providers such as Sympatico and Videotron blocking emails sent from our domain. Please contact your service provider to ask them to allow our messages to be delivered. You should be seeing regular emails with the same content as the updates posted on this web site.
Alternatively – If you are NOT receiving emails from the club you may have your email settings turned off. Please ensure that you have your settings turned on so you will receive emails from us about lessons, tickets, trips and more. Login into the Member Zone, select Profile on the left-hand side menu and click on Edit my Profile. Your email setting is near the bottom on the right hand side.
Important information about SkiMax tickets purchases
If you have purchased SkiMax tickets and have not been receiving email notifications that they are ready for pickup, please send an email indication that you have not been getting notified. You should also perform the actions in the note above to try to correct the problems with your email account.