Hill Discounts

Unless otherwise noted, these discounts are available directly from the ski area. Membership cards must be shown to receive discounts. It is recommended you also carry a proof of age document as this is required at some hills. Only one lift pass discount per card, per day. Lift pass discounts are not transferable.

For phone numbers, information and directions to ski areas see “Local Skiing Information“.

Updates in progress for 2023-24 season.

Calabogie Peaks

  • 20% off lift tickets

In-person ticket purchase only. Discounts are applicable to regular prices only and cannot be combined with any other special offer or discount.

Must show membership card!

Mont Cascades

  • White Nights Adult program including all-season night pass: $350 (taxes included). Book directly from Mont Cascades.
  • 20% off daily lift passes. Present Bytown ski club membership card for discount.

Must show membership card!

Mount Pakenham

  • $5 off private lessons (regular price $80 + HST)
  • $5 off all lift tickets
  • Night Owl Lessons: $165 (lesson only) + $208 (lift tickets)

Must show membership card!