- All participants in club events are liable for their own actions, personal losses, injuries and/or damages sustained on said events, including but not limited to transportation in connection therewith. The Bytown Ski Club, its officers, or members will not be liable for any of the above mentioned.
- No person under the age of 16 may participate in club events unless accompanied by his/her parent or adult guardian.
- Consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors or the use of illegal drugs in any Ski Club activity will not be tolerated and maybe subject to disciplinary action.
- Actions by club members that result in the damage or destruction of private or public property or the general disruption of any club activity will not be tolerated and may be subjected to disciplinary action.
- Any problems, objections, or questions that may arise on a event, should be addressed to the event leader who will handle them.
- In the event any Club trip/event becomes snowbound or delayed for any reason, either on the road or at the resort, only those expenses listed as part of the trip will be the responsibility of the club. Additional food and lodging will be the responsibility of each individual.
- In the event any event participant becomes injured, and cannot complete the trip back to the departure point on the designated transport, that individual will be responsible for return transportation. The Club cannot wait for or pick-up injured parties from medical facilities not on the travel route.
- We cannot hold trip positions by request; all participants must be paid in advance.
- A waiting list, of members, will be established on a first come, first served basis for all events for which sign-up exceeds maximum occupancy. The Club reserves the right to limit event capacity for any/all events.
- All bus trip departures are from the Loblaws at Robertson and Moodie unless otherwise announced.
- Ottawa departure times are set in the event schedule. Please meet the bus 15 minutes prior to departure time as all buses depart promptly. Latecomers will be left behind.
- Return from the hill departure times are approximate and may be revised depending on conditions at the resort. Changes (if any) will be announced to the group before disembarking. Please meet the bus 15 minutes prior to departure time as all buses depart promptly. Latecomers will be left behind.
- Seats on buses are strictly on a first-come, first-served basis.
- By law, smoking is NOT permitted on any buses.
- On trips where accommodation is included, any additional room charges i.e., telephone calls, room service, must be paid for by the individual responsible, before the trip returns .
International Travel
- For all trips to the United States, participants are required to have appropriate identification (for Canadian citizens, a passport or NEXUS card). If you are in doubt about your status, before travelling, check:
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection for entry requirements: Canadian citizens; other citizens
- Requirements for returning to Canada
Note these links are given for convenience only; you are solely responsible for ensuring you follow all necessary requirements and regulations based on your situation.
- The Bytown Ski Club is not responsible for those that do not obey border regulations. Those that are stopped will be left at the border.
- Please ensure that you have adequate health insurance coverage for all trips as well as proper identification for international travel.
- The trip leader is responsible for the smooth operation of his/her trip and may take any action he/she feels necessary to achieve that goal, including the denial of certain privileges to any participants while on the trip.
Unforeseen events
Should something occur that is not covered by the above policies, the executive shall make a ruling at the next executive meeting. All rulings by the executive are final.
Disciplinary Action
The executive, based on a majority vote, shall have the right to deny a member attendance at future club trips and activities or expel that member from the club for behavior that contravenes club policies.