Trip information

Day trip basics

  • The price of the Day Trip includes:
    • Bus transportation to and from the destination
    • Alpine lift tickets as specified in the trip documentation.
    • Rental equipment (if selected and paid for)
  • The price of the Day Trip DOES NOT include:
    • Rental equipment (if not paid in advance)
    • Meals/Snacks (though the bus stops at a convenience store on the return trip)
      and incidental expenses
    • X-country ski passes

Pickup points for all Day Trip buses

Loblaws, 2065A Robertson Road, corner Moodie Drive

  • Please park in the south-west corner of the Loblaws parking lot: the section nearest the intersection.
  • Directions to Loblaws on Google Maps
  • Departure times:
    • Tremblant: 6:15 am
    • Sutton and Whiteface: 5:30 am
  • Approximate return arrival times:
    • Tremblant: 7:00–7:30 pm
    • Sutton and Whiteface: 9:00–10:00 pm

Loblaws, 64 Isabella Street (corner Metcalfe street)

  • Please request a pickup at Isabella so it can be scheduled
  • No agreement for parking on site has been reached; you must find street parking.
  • Directions to Loblaws on Google Maps
  • Departure times:
    • Tremblant: 6:30 am
  • Approximate return arrival times: 6:45-7:15 pm

To apply to an event:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Select Register Now to see the trips and products available to you and your family.
  3. Select your products and add them to your basket.
  4. Checkout, sign waivers and pay.
  5. You will receive an email receipt confirming your order.
  6. You will receive another email confirming the trip is going (in the week before the trip) and providing additional logistic information.
  7. If you purchased Tremblant rentals, you will need to complete this application form.


  • Unless otherwise stated, all deadlines are noon (Ottawa time) on the date specified, which is 3 business days before the ski trip.
  • Registrants cancelling before the registration deadline date are entitled to a full refund, if such request is received by email to the Trips Prime at least 3 business days prior to trip. No refunds will be given for cancellations after closing registration date. Arranging a substitute to take your place, after the closing registration date, may be permitted, subject to the approval of the trip coordinator. The substitute must provide a signed application form at the time of departure.
  • If registration numbers are not sufficient 3 working days prior to the day trip date, the trip will be cancelled.  See Refunds for details.
  • If the Ski Club cancels a trip, only the contact person will be notified. It is the contact person’s responsibility to inform the members of his/her party. Money will be refunded to the participants proportionately and only to the extent that such funds are recoverable from commitments.
  • If the trip becomes full members have the option of being placed on a wait list. The trip coordinator will contact those on the wait list as space becomes available. You can email the Trips Prime to ask about your status.